
Workout of the Day, Surprise! Edition

Due to some laptop issues at work, I ended up doing today's workout in the morning when I had some idle time. Working out is a great way to make good use of small blocks of time you didn't expect to have on your hands.

As per my previous workouts this week, today's workout is/was a five-kilometer run.

I am aiming for 20 total miles this week, and hopefully 22-25 next week. This will be a slow, consistent build-up of miles up until about the 12-weeks-until-Cowtown point, around January 1st. I should be up to over 60 miles by then, and if I don't get too anxious to hit the 50-miles-per-week point, I'll enjoy a low risk of injury throughout the process.

By way of experimentation, I allowed myself to run outside of heart rate Zone 2 today, sticking in about the Zone 3-4 range, based on current heart rate estimates. I want to see how that impacts the way I feel today and tomorrow. My initial thoughts, now 90 minutes post-run are: There seem to be fewer endorphines, but I feel more satisfied with the quality of my workout.

To be continued...

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