This just a reminder that you'll be able to catch yours truly tonight and tomorrow at the following events:
Machine Messiah at the Daily Grind:
Friday, May 11, 2012
601 Somerset Street
Ottawa, ON K1R 5K1
Things should get started around 8pm. I am anticipating Machine Messiah will hit the stage around 11pm. I'll be playing bass tonight, as opposed to my usual guitar + vocals. The venue is licensed and the show is 19+.
Catch the Facebook page here.
Wylie Ryan Day-Before-Mothers Day Run
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Canada Aviation and Space Museum
11 Aviation Parkway
Ottawa, ON K1K 4Y5
The races get started at 9:50am, but you can still register for the race itself. If you're like me, and plan on registering the morning of the event, you'll want to show up well before 8am to make things easy on yourself.
I have not yet decided whether I'll be running the 5K, the 10K, or the half marathon. My guess is I will likely end up putting myself in the 10K to avoid the pressure associated with a 5K ("Must run fast!!!") or the half marathon ("Must finish strong!!!").
I hope to see you at either event. Feel free to say hello when you get there.
Machine Messiah at the Daily Grind:
Friday, May 11, 2012
601 Somerset Street
Ottawa, ON K1R 5K1
Things should get started around 8pm. I am anticipating Machine Messiah will hit the stage around 11pm. I'll be playing bass tonight, as opposed to my usual guitar + vocals. The venue is licensed and the show is 19+.
Catch the Facebook page here.
Wylie Ryan Day-Before-Mothers Day Run
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Canada Aviation and Space Museum
11 Aviation Parkway
Ottawa, ON K1K 4Y5
The races get started at 9:50am, but you can still register for the race itself. If you're like me, and plan on registering the morning of the event, you'll want to show up well before 8am to make things easy on yourself.
I have not yet decided whether I'll be running the 5K, the 10K, or the half marathon. My guess is I will likely end up putting myself in the 10K to avoid the pressure associated with a 5K ("Must run fast!!!") or the half marathon ("Must finish strong!!!").
I hope to see you at either event. Feel free to say hello when you get there.
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