Just because you
lack will power, that doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone lacks will power
when it comes to something.
For example, I don't
know anyone who always drives under the speed limit. Not a single person.
Everyone I have ever met in my entire life, and in any culture in any country,
has occasionally driven faster than the speed limit. If we're being honest,
most of us would have to admit that we exceed the speed limit pretty darn often.
It may seem unusual
to think of speeding as a lack of will power, but what else is it? We all know
what the posted speed limit is, and yet we choose to exceed it anyway. We all
know exactly what we'd have to do in order to avoid speeding, and yet we don't
do it. In the end, we don't care so much about the posted speed limit. We're
normalized to a world in which exceeding the speed limit is common and socially
acceptable. So we don't have any incentive to be the one person on the road who
adheres to the posted speed limit sign.
Since this is true,
we ought not cower away from saying it like it is: none of us has the will
power to consistently obey the speed limit. It doesn't make us bad people, it
just means that we ultimately don't care about speed limits. That's just fine.
Unfortunately, when
someone makes the same point about obesity, the world objects. If I were to say
that obese people aren't bad people, but they simply lack the will power to be
thin and healthy, many would start talking about the supposed "addictiveness"
of sugar, or the hormones of obese people who lose weight, or the notion of
body-shaming, or etc. etc. I think these objections only serve to defend
against the charge that obese people are bad people.
But obese people aren't bad people, even if they do lack the
will power to be thin and healthy. So, rather than object to the notion that
they lack will power, we should embrace the inherent truth of it. Every obese
person knows what it takes to lose weight, and to keep the weight off. Everyone
who has ever gained weight knew full well what eating all that crap and never
exercising was going to do to their bodies. They know, and they don't care,
because they don't have the will power to fight against it any more than they
have the will power to obey the speed limit consistently. And, just as they are
not bad people for speeding, they are not bad people for putting on weight. But
that doesn't mean they have will power, either.
As with speeding,
obesity is so common that we now live in a society that doesn't much care about
it. Obesity has become so normalized that it's no longer discussed using the
language of will power and self-control. Why practice self-control, anyway? You
can still be a good person, even if you're obese. So, really, why bother?
Well, there are many
reasons why a person should aim to be healthy, but I think many adults
underestimate just what is required to avoid obesity. One either has to be
willing to eat very small meals and seldom snack, or one has to exercise almost
constantly, or both. It's painfully obvious that the average American has no
intention of living this way any more than the average American intends to
follow the speed limit. It's a lack of willingness to do what's necessary to
achieve a particular goal, plain and simple. A lack of will power.
It doesn't mean
you're a bad person, but it is what it is.
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