
Design Changes

As aforementioned, I have made some changes to the layout of my blog. In general, I just felt like it was time for a change. The old layout felt like a dusty old book. Hopefully the new layout grabs the eye a bit more...

I have also eliminated the AdSense gadgets/widgets from the blog entirely, in part as a courtesy to my readers. I find the ads clunky and distracting. My goal with this blog is not to generate massive amounts of revenue (although, gee, that would be nice), but rather to deliver outstanding content on a few subjects close to my heart. My readers should not have to be accosted with product advertisements. It is furthermore my belief that if I continue to deliver good blog content I will not need silly gimmicks like AdSense to reap the rewards of a regular following.

At any rate, I may re-monetize my blog if my following continues to grow, but for now I think we can all benefit from a small ad-free oasis of sorts.

I may tinker with the colors a bit as I continue to get acquainted with the new layout. I may even enlist the help of some of my artistic friends and family to help choose a great color scheme. But the basic layout will remain like this for... oh, maybe another eighteen months or however long it takes me to get tired of it.

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