
Some Links (Heavy-On-The-Economics Edition)

As it turns out, Steve Sailer is a trade protectionist in addition to a race supremacist.

By way of explanation for those readers who wonder why I have a recent hate-on for Steve Sailer, it is because his vile, pernicious racial supremacist theories are sparking a new and alarming return to the evil, hateful ideas that prompted the wars of the 20th Century. I read blogs by many of Sailer's readers, and they are all starting to reflect this sickening trend. Here, in a particularly nasty example, a blogger simultaneously promotes the formation of a Kurd state by rekindling the German motherland idea as written about in Omnipotent Government, while sounding the alarm about immigration into France and the UK. This is scary stuff, folks, and people like Steve Sailer are basically fanning the flames of genocide. We do not want to see where this road takes us.

David Henderson observes Cass Sunstein's tendency toward coercion.

Additional problems with how Rothbard defined inflation, from Finegold-Catalan.

Uwe Reinhardt shows that macroeconomic trends predict health care spending. (Hat tip to Tyler Cowen.) I will note that my former colleague Richard Lavoie of RL Analytics scooped him on this by several years. I cannot supply the link to Lavoie's report, unfortunately, because it's proprietary. But I can say that I helped...

Pop Quiz: What happens to you when your theories are so complex that you stump Nobel laureates? The answer, apparently, is you get dismissed and scolded. Apparently being smarter than Paul Krugman makes you a worse economist than Paul Krugman. (Surprise, surprise, I know...)

The Ludwig von Mises Institute is crying "Bubble" again

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